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Welcome to your no B.S. approach to creating the family of your DREAMS when you’re dealing with Fertility Issues, aka ”Infertility”! Whether you can get pregnant naturally or need medical assistance, Finding Fertility can help you maximise your chances of getting and staying pregnant by using science-backed Holistic Functional Fertility Health Coaching!
Friday Nov 01, 2024
Friday Nov 01, 2024
Friday Nov 01, 2024
Top Secret You Need to Know to Have a Fertility Breakthrough & Get Pregnant
“The real core of actually seeing the results of your body being able to do it lies in the work you’re probably avoiding.”
Topics Discussed:
🦩 Role of affirmations, positive self-talk, and gratitude practices in fertility.
🦩 The impact of past traumas and family dynamics on fertility.
🦩 Effective techniques for emotional release.
🦩 How to correctly practice prayer and gratitude.
🦩 How to mentally and emotionally prepare for motherhood.
Have you ever wondered how much your past might impact your health? Shifting your mindset isn’t just about doing affirmations; it’s also about addressing deep-seated beliefs, unearthing the impact of family dynamics, and rewriting those stories to empower your journey.
In this episode of the Finding Fertility podcast, I discuss how family dynamics from childhood can shape your present and the importance of addressing them. I also explain the proper way of practicing prayer and gratitude by thanking the universe as if you’ve already received your desires.
Listen in to learn how techniques like EFT tapping and Psych-K can help address emotional blocks and subconscious patterns impacting your fertility.
“You can’t ‘fertility mindset’ your way out of the issues that caused the fertility issues in the first place.”
Episode Highlights:
Full transcripts over on the blog:
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🍍Friday Oct 25, 2024
Friday Oct 25, 2024
Overcome Infertility: An Honest Raw Talk About the Healing Work You're Avoiding
"Avoidance and denial might feel comfortable, but they’ll keep you from reaching your goals."
Topics Discussed:
🦩 Simplifying supplement routines and focusing on diet.
🦩 How avoiding hard emotional work can hinder fertility progress.
🦩 The importance of personal and emotional development in the fertility journey.
Are you busy consuming too much information and avoiding the hard emotional work you need to progress your fertility health? While consuming information is helpful, true healing comes from addressing the deeper issues you’re avoiding.
In this episode of the Finding Fertility podcast, I discuss the importance of prioritizing the hard emotional and mental work just as much as the physical work. I explain the importance of reducing overwhelming supplement intake and focusing on a balanced diet and natural ways to improve nutrition.
Listen in to learn about the higher purpose behind fertility coaching, which can bring transformative shifts in your fertility and life. You will also learn the importance of committing to regular self-care practices like breathwork to help bring up and address deeply buried emotions.
"There’s always a higher purpose in fertility work, beyond just getting pregnant – it’s about self-discovery."
Episode Highlights:
Full transcripts over on the blog:
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🍍Friday Oct 18, 2024
Friday Oct 18, 2024
Finding the Root Cause of Recurrent Miscarriages – Increasing Your Chances of a Health Pregnancy
"Your fertility struggles might not be about what’s wrong with your reproductive system, but what’s happening in your gut and adrenals."
Topics Discussed:
🦩 The role of adrenal fatigue in fertility issues.
🦩 Gut health as a major factor in miscarriage and fertility problems.
🦩 How diet, lifestyle, and emotional health impact fertility.
🦩 How to be patient and persistent through medical treatments.
Are you struggling with recurrent miscarriages and chemical pregnancies? You’ll be surprised to discover that some of the major factors affecting your fertility are not in your reproductive system but in your overall health.
In this episode of the Finding Fertility podcast, I discuss how adrenal fatigue and poor gut health affect fertility health. I explain how focusing on whole-body health—through diet, lifestyle, and emotional well-being—is the key to improving fertility.
Listen in to learn how addressing inflammation, supporting gut health, and managing stress can increase your chances of conceiving and becoming the healthiest version of yourself.
"We have to reverse engineer what got us here—our diet, lifestyle, mental health, all of it."
Episode Highlights:
Full transcripts over on the blog:
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🍍Friday Oct 11, 2024
Friday Oct 11, 2024
Learning to Release Anger & Forgive During Infertility to Achieve Your Dream Family
"I hope you heal so deeply that you no longer feel the need to make sense of what happened."
Topics Discussed:
🦩 Healing from deep emotional trauma caused by loved ones.
🦩 How unresolved anger, resentment, and hurt affect mental and physical health.
🦩 The connection between emotional healing and fertility.
🦩 The significance of forgiveness for personal healing.
🦩 How unresolved trauma affects parenthood and children's emotional well-being.
How are anger, fear, and resentment rooted in your childhood or traumatic experiences impacting your fertility journey? These lingering feelings, although might seem insignificant, they can act as invisible barriers to your fertility journey.
In this episode of the Finding Fertility podcast, I discuss the importance of understanding how your trauma is harming you and learning to release it. I explain the negative impact of trauma and hurt on emotional, mental, and physical health.
Listen in to learn why letting go and forgiving isn’t about making anyone else feel better but about freeing yourself. You will also learn about tools such as cord-cutting and forgiveness meditations that can help release emotional blockages and foster healing.
“Holding on to anger doesn't make the other person regret what they did—it only continuously hurts you."
Episode Highlights:
Full transcripts over on the blog:
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🍍Friday Oct 04, 2024
Friday Oct 04, 2024
Friday Oct 04, 2024
Unlocking Your Power: A Guide to Fertility Success
"You need to be willing to step outside the box, take risks, and believe that you can change your situation through diet, mental and emotional health, sleep, exercise, and mindset."
Topics Discussed:
🦩 Importance of tapping into intuition and inner power.
🦩 The role of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects in fertility.
🦩 The significance of lifestyle changes and individualized diet approaches.
🦩 How to take back power through gaining awareness of fertility issues.
🦩 Importance of taking breaks after miscarriages to allow the body time to heal.
What if I told you that you hold all the power when it comes to your fertility journey? That’s right! Tapping into your intuition and owning your power will help you make medical decisions and lifestyle changes that resonate with you.
In this episode of the Finding Fertility podcast, I discuss how to harness inner intuition and power and make decisions that align with your true self. I also explain how true coaching is about helping you tap into their intuition and make confident, empowered decisions, even if they seem out of the box.
Listen in to learn about your husband's role in the fertility journey, plus the importance of addressing lifestyle factors contributing to fertility issues. You will also learn why you should give your body time to heal instead of trying to conceive immediately after a miscarriage.
"True coaching is getting you to tap into your intuition and empowering your power, making decisions from a very confident place."
Episode Highlights:
Full transcripts over on the blog:
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🍍Friday Sep 27, 2024
Friday Sep 27, 2024
Friday Sep 27, 2024
The Truth About Dairy & Gluten When You’re Dealing with Infertility & IVF
"The perfect diet for you is simply finding what foods you're intolerant to right now."
Topics Discussed:
🦩 The importance of finding and eliminating food intolerances.
🦩 Steps to identifying food intolerances.
🦩 Importance of consuming high-quality, natural foods.
🦩 Normal health issues can be indicators of underlying fertility problems.
🦩 The role of subconscious beliefs in sticking to a diet.
Do you know your food intolerances, and what are you doing about them? The secret to a perfect diet doesn’t lie in a particular diet but in understanding your unique food intolerances. Food intolerances such as gluten and lactose might be playing a part in hindering your path to parenthood.
In this episode of the Finding Fertility podcast, I delve into food intolerances and their impact on fertility. I take you through a 14-day food elimination process and explain how to reintroduce foods into your diet to understand their impact on your health.
Listen in to learn how your normal and common health issues can indicate underlying fertility problems. You will also learn the importance of variety in your diet and the importance of addressing subconscious and mindset beliefs in diet adherence.
"If you cannot commit to said diet that you know will help improve your situation, it's incredibly important to look into subconscious and mindset beliefs."
Episode Highlights:
Full transcripts over on the blog:
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🍍Friday Sep 20, 2024
Friday Sep 20, 2024
"I believe that most food intolerances are energetic anyways, but it's a really big step to say to someone, you're intolerant to a tomato and that's because of your father's BS."
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Topics Discussed:
"I just started doing, you know, because I'm Psych-K trained, and there's a really good book you can do for yourself called the Emotion Code in the Body Code."
Show Notes:
Hello, Beautiful Souls, the voice of Monica is here to dive deep into the wild world of food intolerances—because who knew that your aversion to tomatoes might actually be your dad's emotional baggage? In this episode, we’re not just peeling back the layers of an onion, we’re digging into the very core of why that onion might be giving you trouble in the first place. No, it's not just about cutting out foods like nightshades because some diet said so; it's about the emotional and energetic blocks that are making your body rebel against what should be perfectly healthy foods. And let's not forget the part where we explore how your intuition plays into all this—yes, you might just be the next food whisperer. We'll chat about the power of Psych-K, Emotion Code, and even the art of muscle testing to unlock those hidden emotional ties that could be the key to unlocking better health. By the end of this episode, you’ll be ready to take charge of your health, ditch those food fears, and maybe even become that conscious mama the world desperately needs. So, grab your notepad (or don't, we’re all about intuitive listening here), and let's get into it!
"I do believe there's... we can switch on and off intolerances that are created from an emotional state."
Full transcripts over on the blog
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Friday Sep 13, 2024
Friday Sep 13, 2024
Book Your Discovery Call Today:
Sign-up for the email list for your chance to book a free discovery call:
“When it comes to gut health, the first thing is elimination; you have to eliminate the food and the toxins that are creating the inflammation.”
Topics Discussed:
🦩 Amplifying healing with targeted supplementation for prolonged gut problems.
🦩 Figure out what foods work for you even with the Autoimmune Paleo Diet.
🦩 Fix your infertility by tapping into your mental, emotional, and physical aspects.
Did you know that Hashimoto’s disease or any other autoimmune issue could be the reason you have unexplained infertility?
In this episode of the Finding Fertility podcast, we talk about how inflammation and autoimmune issues lead to unexplained infertility. We also talk about the Autoimmune Paleo Diet and how it can give you dramatic results since it reduces inflammation.
Listen in to understand how inflammation contributes to infertility and how food elimination diets like AIP can help improve your health. You will also learn how your mental, emotional, and physical aspects are the real causes of your infertility and how to release that trauma.
“Your fertility will fall into place when you tackle those mental, emotional, and physical aspects within your brain, thyroid, and gut.”
Episode Highlights:
Full transcripts over on the blog
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Friday Sep 06, 2024
Friday Sep 06, 2024
Creating Your Reality: Insights on Mindfulness, Soul Contracts and Growth During Infertility & IVF
"The true magic lies in taking the knowledge and vibrations handed to you and rising to create your reality."
Topics Discussed:
🦩 The belief in self-healing supported by coaches and healers.
🦩 Importance of mentorship and accountability in the fertility journey.
🦩 How to rise to new vibrations and create desired realities.
🦩 How to address emotional triggers through self-worth and self-love.
🦩 Importance of engaging in soul-searching and healing.
Are you ready to embrace the woo-woo? Embracing the woo-woo means recognizing that you are the true healer of your body with the power to transform your health and life. Imagine navigating your fertility journey with the perfect blend of mindset and spirituality.
In this episode of the Finding Fertility podcast, we explore how to create personal realities by going on a self-healing journey with the guidance of coaches and mentors. We also discuss how peeling back layers of self-worth and self-love can turn emotional triggers into moments of growth and empowerment.
Listen in to learn how expanding your mindset and rising to new vibrations handed by mentors can help you create your desired reality. You will also learn about the concept of soul contracts and societal influences on personal desires and life choices.
"Peeling back layers of self-worth and self-love can turn triggers into moments of growth and empowerment."
Episode Highlights:
Exploring the concept of soul contracts and life choices Soul Contract Choices Podcast:
Breath of Life Soul Contract Series:
Full transcripts over on the blog:
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🍍Friday Aug 30, 2024
Friday Aug 30, 2024
Navigating Thyroid Issues, Gut Health, and Trust in Your Journey to Motherhood
"When you feel confident about your journey, you can go into surrender mode. You can release to surrender."
Topics Discussed:
🦩 The impact of thyroid issues on fertility.
🦩 Importance of high-quality food sensitivity tests.
🦩 The intersection of spiritual and physical health.
🦩 The potential downsides of fertility treatments without proper support.
🦩 Importance of trusting yourself and your intuition in the fertility journey.
Do you feel like your struggles are deeper than what the doctors are telling you? Trusting your intuition and understanding the balance between your spiritual and physical health could be your answer.
In this episode of the Finding Fertility podcast, I share cliff notes from a podcast discovery call conversation I had with a guest about her experience with hyperthyroidism, unsuccessful IUIs, and taking a holistic approach. I also discuss how she trusted her gut intuition when she was faced with conflicting advice and overloaded with supplements that worsened her condition.
Listen in to learn how to tap into your inner wisdom to make better health decisions before falling for the “white coat” syndrome. You will also learn the importance of identifying the root cause of your autoimmune issues and investing in high-quality gut health testing.
“You can be as spiritual as you want, but if you do not have a healthy vessel, your baby cannot come through.”
Episode Highlights:
Full transcripts over on the blog:
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