Welcome to your no B.S. approach to creating the family of your DREAMS when you’re dealing with Fertility Issues, aka ”Infertility”! Whether you can get pregnant naturally or need medical assistance, Finding Fertility can help you maximise your chances of getting and staying pregnant by using science-backed Holistic Functional Fertility Health Coaching!
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
We can do ourselves a huge favor by sometimes sitting down and being still.
Topics Discussed:
🦩Steps to find your fertility.
🦩Changing your lifestyle.
🦩The importance of rest and recovery.
🦩How the Finding Fertility Program works.
When it comes to your fertility journey it can be overwhelming knowing where to start. There is so much information out there, and there are many things that contradict each other. But that doesn’t mean there are no true answers out there because there are. I really wanted to lay out in this episode some key elements that you have to be doing on your fertility journey.
“Shift the mindset.”
I lay out the beginning steps you need to be taking to adjust your lifestyle, from your mental state to your eating habits, to your physical health. We think that we have to push ourselves to our limit in order to be healthy and reach our family goals, but in reality that can harm more than it can help. I talk about finding the balance, and why it is so necessary.
“Your mindset controls your actions.”
I also talk about my fertility program and offer some insight as to what it includes how it has helped others and share how it works so that you can better decide if it is a right fit for you.
Find ways to love yourself.
Let's Do This Together
🦩 Download your FREE PDF guide :: 3 Step Guide to Improving Your Chances of Getting & Staying Pregnant || https://www.findingfertility.co/free3stepguide
🌺 Get Steps Closer to Getting & Staying Pregnant with the Fertility Food Program || https://www.findingfertility.co/FerilityFood
Connect with Monica over on:
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Anything written or said about health and diet are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me may not work for you. I am not a doctor, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Product recommendations are based on what I used during my infertility journey or wish I had.
Friday Mar 05, 2021
How to Deal With the Lows of Infertility
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
“Motherhood doesn’t define us.”
Topics Discussed:
🦩Focusing inward on our journey.
🦩The importance of focusing on your mindset.
🦩Finding your value.
🦩Maintaining sanity during this pandemic.
On today's episode of the Finding Fertility Podcast :: How to Deal With the Lows of Infertility
We know that this journey of infertility can be extremely difficult. It can cause us to question our very worth. It causes us to question if we have a purpose if we are unable to get pregnant and brings our womanhood into question.
But I am here to tell you in this episode that motherhood does not define you as a whole. You are worth so much, and you have so much to give outside of children. We can wrap our identities up so much into getting pregnant that we forget our value aside from that.
“The number one thing missing from your diet is your mindset.”
In this episode, I dive into the importance of recognizing our worth. In addition, I talk about our mindset. When it comes to issues that we find as we begin to take tests on why we are infertile, the root of it almost always comes back around to an unhealthy diet, mindset, and lifestyle. When we begin to focus on those three key areas, often the underlying problems relating to our infertility disappear.
“You don’t have to be perfect to get pregnant.”
It can be overwhelming when we think of taking on all those three main things, diet, mindset, and lifestyle, especially when put on top of the pandemic we are in, and our infertility. But it doesn’t have to be all at once.
Focus on one small step you can take to move towards a healthier diet or lifestyle. Get comfortable with that one thing, then add one other thing in, and begin to slow step your way towards a healthier you.
“There are simple ways you can start moving your body.’
Let's Do This Together
🦩 Download your FREE PDF guide :: 3 Step Guide to Improving Your Chances of Getting & Staying Pregnant || https://www.findingfertility.co/free3stepguide
🌺 Get Steps Closer to Getting & Staying Pregnant with the Fertility Food Program || https://www.findingfertility.co/FerilityFood
Connect with Monica over on:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/FindingFertilityIG
TikTok: https://bit.ly/FindingFertilityTikTok
🎙 Subscribe on your favourite podcast platform:
Stitcher: http://bit.ly/FindingFertilitySTITCHER
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Anything written or said about health and diet are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me may not work for you. I am not a doctor, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Product recommendations are based on what I used during my infertility journey or wish I had.
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Friday Jan 01, 2021
“There’s no one perfect way to health.”
Topics Discussed:
🦩How to start off your health journey.
🦩Why you have to deal with stress properly.
🦩The importance of community and accountability.
🦩Why less is more with supplements.
How to Make 2021 Your Year Increase Your Chances of Getting & Stay Pregnant
When it comes to getting healthier and building new habits, we often think that we have to find the perfect diet or nutrition plan, but in reality, there is no perfect one size fits all plan. Each of us is uniquely individual and has to find what works best for us.
“Don’t underestimate the stress you may be going through.”
Stress is another big factor when it comes to fertility health. We often sweep our stress under the rug or turn to binging a tv show or having a few adult beverages to destress, but these things can actually cause more stress. So what things should you be implementing to deal with stress?
“We have to make sure we are controlling our own environments.”
So let’s together stop wishing and start doing and make 2021 our year to take charge of our health, our stress, and our fertility.
Let's Do This Together
🍍Support Finding Fertility & shop for your favourite fertility-friendly products over on:
Seeking Health:https://bit.ly/FFSeekingHealth Amazon:http://bit.ly/FindingFertilityAmazon
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Hello Beautiful
In this episode, I sit down with Stephaine Courtney the founder of The Learning Project.
“I’m dealing with something and don’t even know where to start.”
She shares with us her own personal story of infertility as well as how she came up with the idea to start an organization that gives all children the opportunity to succeed.
“Don’t be afraid to take control of your journey.”
We dive into the feelings of guilt and shame that come when you first realize you are not able to get pregnant and how that can affect our relationship with not only ourselves but with our significant other.
Often we ignore our own needs and it is important to build ourselves up so that we can be strong and stable.
“You can know so much about nutrition and still not do it.”
In addition, we talk about stress levels and how drastically they can affect both our mental health as well as our infertility. We hope this episode encourages you no matter where you are at in your fertility journey!
Topics Discussed:
🦩The guilt of not being able to get pregnant.
🦩How stress affects us.
🦩Work and life balance and how to change your outlook.
Connect with Stephaine Courtney :
- Website:www.tlptraining.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tlptraining/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tlpsupport
🍍Support Finding Fertility & shop for your favourite fertility-friendly products over on:
Seeking Health:https://bit.ly/FFSeekingHealth Amazon:http://bit.ly/FindingFertilityAmazon
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
When I first started off with yoga I hated it, I struggled with sitting still, and my mind fought it.
Along my journey as I continued practicing it, things finally hit for me and I saw yoga’s ability to transform my thinking, and how it allowed me to deal with difficult situations and difficult people in my life in a healthy way.
In this episode I sit down with Erin, founder of Fertile Hope Yoga.
She explains how yoga allows us to open up emotionally, and how it healed her after growing up being an unwanted child. She talks about the flow our bodies are able to get into both the physical and mental working together to shower out love and peace around us.
Yoga’s ability to help our mindset cannot be expressed enough. I also share my own hesitations and what happened when I finally “gave in” to yoga and embraced it.
Topics Discussed:
- How yoga is much more mental than physical.
- Yoga and its ability to open us up.
- How yoga can reshape our mind.
- Yoga has the ability to keep us mentally on track during our infertility journey.
- “You don’t have to look like or be anything to access yoga.”
- “The magic is it allows you to show up without judgement.”
- “You have to get really vulnerable to leave the unsafe places.”
Connect with Erin:
Website: https://fertilehopeyoga.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fertilehopeyoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fertilehopeyoga/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/fertilehopeyoga/_created/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/fertilehopeyoga?reload=9
Connect with us!
🦩Download your FREE 3 Things that can make all the difference in helping you get & stay pregnant here: https://www.findingfertility.co/perfectfertilitydiet
🌺 Get Steps Closer to Getting & Staying Pregnant with a Personalized Health Coaching:https://www.findingfertility.co/FertilityHealthCoaching
Instagram: https://bit.ly/FindingFertilityIG
TikTok: https://bit.ly/FindingFertilityTikTok
You can shop for your favourite fertility support products over on:
Seeking Health:https://bit.ly/FFSeekingHealth & Amazon:http://bit.ly/FindingFertilityAmazon
🎙 Subscribe on your favourite podcast platform:
Stitcher: http://bit.ly/FindingFertilitySTITCHER
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3eHuAKZ
🍍 Anything written or said about health and diet are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Product recommendations are based on what I used during my infertility journey or wish I had.
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
In this episode, I sit down with Melissa from Confetti and Vodka and we talk about her own infertility journey.
Her husband had battles and overcame cancer, and they battled infertility together.
From having to move out of the country to transferring sperm that was taken 10 years ago, she shares the trials that she went through.
Amidst it all Melissa shares how she was completely open about the journey she and her husband were going through and she expresses how that helped them so much in an otherwise lonely time of moving out of the country and going through all the things associated with infertility.
We also talk about having a life outside of your infertility journey and how that can be stressful in and of itself when we have to give up some of the things we love to focus on our infertility journey, but we also discuss how important it is to hold onto the things that bring us joy in life.
Topics Discussed:
- Why you should not keep your journey a secret.
- The measures you will take on your infertility journey.
- The reality of having to move because of infertility.
- “You’re going to make mistakes and you have to forgive yourself.”
- “You put your life on hold for infertility.”
- “Your joys heal you.”
Connect with Melissa from @confettiandvodka:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/confettiandvodka
Connect with us!
🍍🦩Download your FREE 3 Things that can make all the difference in helping you get & stay pregnant here: https://www.findingfertility.co/perfectfertilitydiet
🌺 Get Steps Closer to Getting & Staying Pregnant with a Personalized Health Coaching:https://www.findingfertility.co/FertilityHealthCoaching
Instagram: https://bit.ly/FindingFertilityIG
TikTok: https://bit.ly/FindingFertilityTikTok
You can shop for your favourite fertility support products over on:
Seeking Health:https://bit.ly/FFSeekingHealth & Amazon:http://bit.ly/FindingFertilityAmazon
🎙 Subscribe on your favourite podcast platform:
Stitcher: http://bit.ly/FindingFertilitySTITCHER
🍍 Anything written or said about health and diet are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening, and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Product recommendations are based on what I used during my infertility journey or wish I had.
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Surviving & Thriving After a Stillbirth | Carrie Hauskens
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Hello Beautiful
In this episode, I sit down with Carrie Hauskens as she talks about her own personal infertility journey from struggling to get pregnant to her miscarriage and all the things in between. She gives a raw account of how much taking care of your mental health plays a role in the whole process, and how her attitude shifted during this process.
We discuss the shift that takes place, physically, mentally, and even socially when we begin to change the steps of our journey towards a more healthy version of ourselves. How our mindset changes and things that we used to think were normal, we discover are not normal, and we place so much expectation on ourselves of what we think we should be doing.
Carrie also talks about the decisions to leave her job and what a struggle that was at the time but how freeing and stress relieving it was on her once she committed to that decision.
Topics Discussed:
- How you begin to evaluate your relationships when dealing with infertility.
- The importance of mental health for yourself and those around you.
- How friendships change on your infertility journey.
- The importance of letting ourselves grieve.
- “When you’re ready to release the bitterness and anger, it’s a very scary place.”
- “You have to recommit day after day.”
- “I’ve become clear with who I want to surround myself with.”
- “Meditation helps me get in tune with my gut.”
Connect with us!
- Website: https://www.findingfertility.co/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/FindingFertility
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/findingfertility/
- Baby and Me Journal: https://www.findingfertility.co/infertilityjournal
- Amazon Store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-77328ce4
- Email: me@mymindfulme.com
Subscribe to us on:
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-infertile-diagnosis/id1467058429
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- Stitcher: https://www.findingfertility.co/infertilitypodcast
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- Google: https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Iqqdhvzt4bwex3iziweaxz77ewu
Connect with Carrie Hauskens :
Website: https://www.bloomingwithcare.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bloomingwithcare/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/bloomingwithcare
Connect with us!
🍍🦩Download your FREE 3 Things that can make all the difference in helping you get & stay pregnant here: https://www.findingfertility.co/perfectfertilitydiet
🌺 Get Steps Closer to Getting & Staying Pregnant with a Personalized Health Coaching:https://www.findingfertility.co/FertilityHealthCoaching
Connect with Monica over on
Instagram: https://bit.ly/FindingFertilityIG
TikTok: https://bit.ly/FindingFertilityTikTok
You can shop for your favorite fertility support products over on:
Seeking Health:https://bit.ly/FFSeekingHealth & Amazon:http://bit.ly/FindingFertilityAmazon
🎙 Subscribe on your favorite podcast platform:
Stitcher: http://bit.ly/FindingFertilitySTITCHER
🍍 Anything written or said about health and diet are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening, and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Product recommendations are based on what I used during my infertility journey or wish I had.
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Taking Control of Your Mindset During Infertility | Jennifer Robertson
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Working through our issues during infertility helps us become such a better mom. In this episode I sit down with Jennifer Robertson as we talk about dealing with our shit. We tend to stuff down all the feelings and emotions that we go through during infertility. Rather than working through the emotion, we bury it and plow through to the next step.
But it’s so important to slow down and admit that it’s okay that things are not perfect. It’s okay we are angry. It’s okay to admit that we have emotions and feelings along this journey, and there isn’t some picture that we have to look like.
Jennifer shares with us the heartbreak and the joy that she has experienced and why she believes that the heartbreak when dealt with and recognized can lead us to greater things and really build us to be better moms.
Topics Discussed:
- How consuming IVF can become.
- How to release the stress we put ourselves through to be free.
- How slowing down is sometimes enough to heal our bodies.
- How to deal with our shit.
- “One day you wake up and can’t remember who you are any more.”
- “We don’t acknowledge our feelings.”
- “We feel like there isn’t enough time in the world.”
- “You don’t have to go through extreme diet changes to heal your body.”
Connect with us!
- Website: https://www.findingfertility.co/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/FindingFertility
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/findingfertility/
- Baby and Me Journal: https://www.findingfertility.co/infertilityjournal
- Amazon Store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-77328ce4
- Email: me@mymindfulme.com
Subscribe to us on:
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-infertile-diagnosis/id1467058429
- Spotify:
- Stitcher: https://www.findingfertility.co/infertilitypodcast
- Youtube:
- Google: https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Iqqdhvzt4bwex3iziweaxz77ewu
Connect with Jennifer Robertson:
Website: https://www.yourfertilityhaven.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/425418404879458/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/msjenniferrobertson/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClikGpEjoBP-_OOIiktaZDA
Connect with us!
🍍🦩Download your FREE 3 Things that can make all the difference in helping you get & stay pregnant here: https://www.findingfertility.co/perfectfertilitydiet
🌺 Get Steps Closer to Getting & Staying Pregnant with a Personalized Health Coaching:https://www.findingfertility.co/FertilityHealthCoaching
Connect with Monica over on
Instagram: https://bit.ly/FindingFertilityIG
TikTok: https://bit.ly/FindingFertilityTikTok
You can shop for your favourite fertility support products over on:
Seeking Health:https://bit.ly/FFSeekingHealth & Amazon:http://bit.ly/FindingFertilityAmazon
🎙 Subscribe on your favourite podcast platform:
Stitcher: http://bit.ly/FindingFertilitySTITCHER
🍍 Anything written or said about health and diet are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Product recommendations are based on what I used during my infertility journey or wish I had.
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Dealing With All of Infertility’s BS | Blair Nelson
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Friday Sep 04, 2020
In this episode I sit down with Blair Nelson as we both discuss our journeys through infertility. We know that time can almost seem to stand still when we are trying to get pregnant, so how do we work through that especially when we keep getting an “undiagnosed infertility” response from doctors?
We often think the stress will go away once we see the two pink lines, but often the stress can increase at that point we are weighed down with even more worry and stress. This is why it’s so important to begin to implement things that help with your stress levels, from meditation, acupuncture, mindset, and nutrition.
We often turn to IVF because we think that is the only answer, but Blair and I really lay out how changing your habits that are self-sabotaging your efforts without even realizing it, are the first steps that should be taken on your infertility journey.
Topics Discussed:
- Western vs. Eastern medicine.
- The role nutrition plays.
- How healthy habits while trying to conceive carry over into motherhood.
- First steps to take when trying to change your nutrition.
- “You have to figure out what foods do and don’t work for you.”
- “Take on what you can and build from there.”
- “Put a limit on your pity party. Have it, and move on.”
- “The different foods we can get addicted to are self sabotage.”
Connect with Blair Nelson:
Website: https://fabfertility.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fabfertility
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fabfertility/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/blairnelson0538/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-k5N53ESnPVz-VXbsGTMQg
Fertility Rally: https://fertilityrally.com/
Fertility Rally Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fertilityrally/
Connect with us!
🍍🦩Download your FREE 3 Things that can make all the difference in helping you get & stay pregnant here: https://www.findingfertility.co/perfectfertilitydiet
🌺 Get Steps Closer to Getting & Staying Pregnant with a Personalized Health Coaching:https://www.findingfertility.co/FertilityHealthCoaching
Connect with Monica over on
Instagram: https://bit.ly/FindingFertilityIG
TikTok: https://bit.ly/FindingFertilityTikTok
You can shop for your favourite fertility support products over on:
Seeking Health:https://bit.ly/FFSeekingHealth & Amazon:http://bit.ly/FindingFertilityAmazon
🎙 Subscribe on your favourite podcast platform:
Stitcher: http://bit.ly/FindingFertilitySTITCHER
🍍 Anything written or said about health and diet are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Product recommendations are based on what I used during my infertility journey or wish I had.
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Unexplained Infertility Is Not A Diagnosis | Kela Smith
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Unexplained infertility seems to be the blanket statement that many doctors like to throw over our infertility issues when they don’t know or understand what is going on.
The good news is you don’t have to take that at face value.
Today I am joined by Kela Smith who was told exactly that when she couldn’t get pregnant, and she shares her story of how she did not accept that answer and set out to educate herself.
It’s a scary place not knowing what is going on with our bodies, but we have so many resources available now to dig in and learn for ourselves.
We get that changing your lifestyle habits and eating habits can be a bit overwhelming. But Kela shares with us how making small daily changes that are simple and doable can lead us to new heights.
Kela also shares how even though she thought she was healthy and ate well, it still was different eating for fertility and what she did to adjust her former thoughts and lifestyles of health to fit her infertility journey.
Topics Discussed:
- Nutrition’s role in fertility.
- Why you shouldn’t take the doctor’s answers at face value.
- The importance of checking your adrenal levels.
- What rewiring your brain looks like.
- “As long as you are doing something to rewire your brain it doesn’t matter what you call it.”
- “Fertility issues don’t just happen.”
- “Health is a marathon.”
- “Autoimmune disease is the next diabetes.”
- “One percent improvement every day will make big results.”
Connect with us!
🍍HELP SUPPORT THE SHOW🍍 You can shop for your favourite fertility support products over on:
Seeking Health:https://bit.ly/FFSeekingHealth & Amazon:http://bit.ly/FindingFertilityAmazon
Connect with Kela Smith:
Website: https://www.coachkela.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kela_healthcoach
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kela.robinson
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kela-robinson-smith-045a4967/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/kelahealthcoach/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT907FBq9X7frbCPpxlrJ2w